Tuesday, November 8, 2011

segalanya kerana sebuah niat

Pernahkah anda merasa lelah dalam mengatur rentak kehidupan?

Pernahkah anda rasa ingin kibarkan bendera putih walau perjalanan dan matlamat masih jauh?

Pernahkah anda rasa ingin hentikan langkah walau destinasi belum dijejak?

Pernahkah anda rasa seolah-olah pintu keluar tertutup semuanya?

Terfikirkah anda apa sebabnya?

Berhenti di tengah perjalanan adalah kerana kesilapan di titik permulaan.”

Mari kita 'refresh' kembali niat tatkala kita memulakan sesuatu.

Adakah niat yang dipasang benar-benar tulus dan ikhlas kerana Yang Esa?

Atau masih ada perkara-perkara sia  lain pada niat suci itu?

Atau masih berbaki cebisan-cebisan alasan tentang darjat, balasan dan sebagainya?

Niat adalah penimbang tara dan aras amal seseorang.

Ia adalah teras dan paksi dalam menentukan kesudahahan amal kita.

Daripada Amirul Mukminin Abu Hafsin ‘Umar ibn al-Katthab r.a. beliau berkata: Aku mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda:

“Bahawa sesungguhnya setiap amalan itu bergantung kepada niat, dan bahawa sesungguhnya bagi setiap orang apa yang dia niatkan. Barangsiapa yang hijrahnya menuju kepada Allah dan RasulNya, maka hijrahnya kepada Allah dan RasulNya. Barangsiapa yang hijrahnya kerana dunia yang dia mahu mencari habuannya, atau kerana seorang perempuan yang dia mahu kahwininya, maka hijrahnya ke arah perkara yang ditujuinya itu.”

Ayuh kita perbetulkan kembali niat!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Mummy, my friend brought pork to school!

I was jogging one evening while hearing the radio on my phone. I tune up the radio to listen to Business F.M (89.9) when there were discussing quite an interesting topic. A non-muslim students was punished for bringing pork meat to school. It caused quite a chaos among the listeners and a few were pretty angry with it but some minorities said it was the right decision.

This is consider quite a sensitive issue but something that is very interesting to discuss and a MUST to resolve. Is it wrong for a non-muslim to bring pork to school? Something that is never being discussed in law and something that has no black and white on paper. Neither it is something that should be make as a law as one decision will cause a major upset to one of the parties.

Indeed, it is merely to me a matter of respect and sensitivity. Yes, it is not wrong for a student to bring pork to school. Yet, it is to be reminded that we are talking about school students age between seven-twelve. They are still young and very immature. At this stage, this young children were taught about morale such as sharing food and respecting each other. What if accidentally, a non-muslim children shared his/her lunch with a muslim friend? That might cause a huge up roar.

The non-muslim might argue that we can teach them not to give it to their muslim friend. Well, if they were really that understanding and mature, why send them to school. We are tend to forget that school is a place for our young people to learn and to know each other. To develop the feeling of respect and understanding and to make friends. It is a process in making toddlers to become great adults. School is not just about education but it is also the place to develop personality as nowadays, toddlers spent more time in school with their teachers and friends rather then their parents.

Bringing pork to school should not be a major issue. The non-muslim should understand the sensitivity of a muslim and respect it. Same goes for the muslim regarding the issue of meat with hindus. Let these children learn the basic of respect and sensitivity. Let us adult put aside our pride and egos that we tend to forget that our children is our main priority. Our ancestors had put aside their differences for us to come together and creating the Malaysia that we have today. Do not let small issues regarding pork and beef destroy the harmony of this country. Remember, it is our feeling of respect to one another that makes us MALAYSIANS...

Friday, August 19, 2011

Life Is Like A Game Of Chess

Assalamualaikum wbt.

One day when we look at the past, we might laugh and look where life had brought us today. It is funny, yesterday we were just little kids or little babies crying for our daddy. Today however we had grown and had become a better person, maybe even a better person than we thought we could be. Unfortunately today, we concern too much on how are we going to step forward in our next stage of life.

Indeed, it is not wrong in thinking and planning of what we want our future to become. Furthemore, planning is always the perfect start to everything. So then we started thinking, and we started to plan, what will we do in future? Our life, our jobs and even love, marriage and children. Here is where all the problems start. We started thinking, then we start to think too much. When this happens, even the easiest things in life becomes very difficult.

Then our life becomes like a Chess game. we started to think too much, we felt afraid of what is going to happen and we will be afraid in making our move. When we are afraid, slowly we will without us noticing, loose our confident. We tend to think of too many possibilities that can come and hit us and bring us down from every angle. We tend to take the future so serious that, we become obsess with it.

However let us rewind maybe 5years back, did you actually plan every step that brought you where you are today? I dont think so. Planning for the future is not a bad thing for example, planning your target in life such as what do you want to be or how to improve yourself in becoming a better person. Yet, planning will start to be a bad thing when we try to plan almost everything about our life. It is here that we tend to forgot that this life here, DOES NOT BELONG TO US.

Surprised? This life belong to the Al-Mighty ALLAH SWT. Remember that ALLAH also has plan for us. No matter how perfect our plan is, it is ALLAH that decide. ALLAH knows better than any single one of us. When our life turns out not how we plan,we then try to blame others, and even blame ALLAH. We even tend to commit suicide, taking the LIFE that does not belong to us in the first place. This all happened because we are to obsessed in planning that we forgot the very basic thing in our life, it is not ours.

Please, do not get the wrong idea. Do not make your life miserable by not planning at all and just live it to ALLAH. Didn't ALLAH promise us that

"Allah will not change the fate of a tribe unless themselves wanted to change"

Do not get confuse. Planning on how to move on with our life is a good thing. Even in the game of Chess, we need to plan. If we just play without planning, we will lose for sure. However, if we take too much time in planning our move, we will also lose the game. The same rule applies in our life. we can plan our life but merely our goals, our targets as well as how to attain the target. we can also plan on how can we become a better person and yes, a better MUSLIM. Yet, if we tried to plan every single step of our life, taking time sitting down and just keep thinking, it might backfired. Even by thinking, we are actually not moving forward as we are loosing to TIME.

"If you fill your heart with the regrets of yesterday, and the worries of tomorrow,
you will have no today to be thankful for"

Wallahu a'lam. May ALLAH SWT guide us to the straight path in our LIFE:)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Ramadhan SALES, up to 200% of more Pahala with every good deeds:)

Bismi ALLAH, Ar-Rahman, Ar-Rahim
Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang
In the name of ALLAH Most Gracious Most Merciful

Alhamdulillah buat para sahabat yang membaca entri ini, sedar atau tidak sekali lagi bulan mulia Ramadhan Kareem kembali menemui kita. Masih ada 5hari lagi sebelum Ramadhan menemui kita tapi insyaALLAH, kita sama-sama doakan kita dapat menemuinya walaupun sehari. Justeru, perkara yang perlu ditanya pada diri, adalah sudahkah kita bersedia menemui bulan mulia Ramadhan ini? Jikalau kita sentiasa boleh menyambut 'New Year' dengan konsert, arak dan mercun, sambut Merdeka dengan pesta maksiat, sudahkah pula kita kuatkan iman kita untuk Ramadhan ini?

Sudah setahun hidup kita dikotori dan dihitamkan dengan pelbagai dosa. Ibarat Hajarul Aswad, yang asalnya putih kini hitam kerana dicemari dengan dosa-dosa manusia. Hati seperti organ-organ lain dalam diri perlu rehat dan dibersihkan. Bila lagi kita mahu melakukannya kalau bukan pada bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini? Sesungguhnya ALLAH sayangkan kita dan memudahkan beban kita dengan menggari Syaitan buat sebulan pada setiap Ramadhan, melipatgandakan BONUS pahala, serta tidak lupa mengadakan Malam Lailatul Qadar di bulan ini. Musuh kita hanya tinggal nafsu diri sendiri.Tidak mahukah kita dengan pahala MUDAH dan PERCUMA ini?

Selain itu, pasti tidak lupa juga melihat telatah anak-anak kecil yang dilatih berpuasa pada Ramadhan ini. Bangun pagi pada waktu sahur dan kepenatan sepanjang hari kerana tidak makan. Telatah dan gelagat lucu mereka pasti akan membuat kita tersnyum riang dan ketawa keriangan. Akan membawa kita tentang kita sepertimana kita berpuasa tatkala kita kecil satu ketika dahulu:)

Buat keluarga tersayang dan sahabat sekalian, marilah kita lapangkan dada dan sambut dengan tangan yang terbuka kedatangan Ramadhan ini. Kejarlah segala BONUS di bulan ini dengan melipatgandakan amalan kita. Perbanyakkan solat sunat, membaca Quran dan teruskanlah ia sehingga ke Ramadhan seterusnya. Selamat Beribadah dan semoga semua amalakn kita diterima olehNYA:)

Salam Ramadhan:)

Friday, July 1, 2011

The Aging Root: A nation with a lost culture

Assalamualaikum wbt..

It had been a while since i wrote anything here, especially in english. Yet, it does not mean I had forgotten this blog. If we do not use something or say something frequently, it does not mean we had forgotten something. But least do we know, it is the first step in leaving it behind and making it a history put in a glass box in a dull museum.

Recently, I had came across a chinese written cheque and had asked a chincese friend to read it for me. Yet, a surprised answer came to me as she cannot read chinese. That same time I remembered an Indian friend who cannot write nor read Tamil. It also triggered to me on how many of my friends can actually write and understand JAWI, a Malay arabic writing that was used since the 15th century until the early 19th centuries before the arrival of the British.

It comes to my mind how pathetic we are today. We had forgotten our roots and
legacy passed by generations. The roots are aging and getting rotten and forgotten. Today, we are busy going for the future and we are tend to forgotten the past. Indeed, so
we might argue that we are still using the culture in ceremonies such as wedding ceremonies but my question is, how long? It used to be a daily life activity, then it became as functions and ceremonies and in the future, in the history museum.

Once, our former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir had tried to implement an idea called "pandang ke timur" (look at the East). He was trying to copy Japan. Japan is a country that is very advance in technology. From the fastest train to the latest gaming software, they have it all. Yet, they had never forgotten their culture and heritage that until today, it is a part of their daily life. Lets ask ourselves Malaysians, is our culture a part of our life? I doubted it.

Asia is a continent very famous with culture. Almost every country in the continent has their own culture and it is unique from one to another. It is a continent full of heritage and culture and not to mention fill with uniqueness. Yet, today, the Western is getting into our head and tend to make it cool with their Western culture which is being followed by teenagers all around the world. If one day, our culture is lost, we tend to point fingers at the West but inside, it is us that needs to be blame.

Our culture is our symbol and that is what make us unique. Make it a part of our life as our culture, represents who we are and we are Malaysians. Prove to the world we are a country proud of our culture and heritage and prove that

Malaysia is truly Asia.....

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Unity in Tragedy

With the name of Allah the Most Beneficent and Most Merciful,

The tsunami that had struct Japan recently and had caused thousands of death while thousands more were left unknown. With a scale 9.0 ritcher, it is considered to be one of the worse natural disaster in the world and the worse in Japan in approximately 100years.

It is not a secret anymore that the world is in total danger. In 2004, tsunami struct Acheh Indonesia killing around 400thousand people. In 2007, A thunderstorm of Katrina struct America. In 2010, Haiti was cursed by mother nature of a nasty earthquake killing hundreds of thousands of people. In 2011, Japan was struct by earthquake, tsunami and radiation.

These natural disaster is becoming more and more normal as time goes on. As so much humans want to prevent it with their great technologies, not even Japan and America survive the power of God. No matter how many times we try, if God wants it to happen, the power of even all the humans combine cannot do nothing with the wrath of God.

Yet, in every cloud there will always be a silver lining.
It is during these natural disaster we can see human help each other. Nowadays, live is regarded as a competition. Nations fight of who is the best empire, even bigger than the Roman Empire. Religions had never been more important and its no longer sacred but people had used it as a medium of war and reasons for killing. The spirit of races and tribes had never been stronger and every tribes want to show their pride.

The world that we live in today is nothing more than a world full with cold blooded,heartless and brainless, blood thirsty killing animals and savages. Men these days should be ashamed to call themselves humans. If the prophet Muhammad SAW, Jesus and Buddha were to live today, they will be shocked with the world today and things that were done under their names.

We are living in a world without unity and only these natural disasters will bring us as one. People from all around the world comes regardless of their religion, nation and race in order to help each other. It is the only medium in bringing the people together, bringing us a glimpse of hope of humanity. It is a proof that humanity has yet to be lost. There is still hope of humanity and hope of bringing peace to this world.

This natural disaster should be a lessen to the world to unite together and be less selfish. Yet, how does we need human sacrifices in order to unite as one? How long will these sufferings continue until the reemergence of peace? Yes, there is hope but when will this hope turn into a reality?

I wish the Japanese my deepest regret. I hope that Japan will one day rise again as strong nation and the world will follow and unite as one.